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ire strippers are very common in life

Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. 2020.02.22
Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. Industry News

They are tools used to strip the rubber insulation layer on the outside of electrical wires. They are usually used by electricians, motor repairers, and instrumentation electricians. The composition of the wire stripping pliers consists of a knife edge, a crimping mouth, and a pliers handle. The pliers handle is the part that is held by the hand and is V-shaped. Considering that the wires need to be cut to prevent electrical contact and electric shock, generally the pliers handles are insulator cases. The logo with the rated working voltage on the housing is usually 500v.

The surface of the wire stripping pliers has certain quality requirements: there must be no cracks, burrs, pits, etc. on the surface of the pliers body, otherwise the use effect will be affected. The shape of the wire stripping pliers needs to be even and flat, the trademark of the pliers body must be clear, and the insulation part of the pliers must be free of defects such as lack of materials and scars, otherwise there is a hidden danger to safety.

When using a wire stripper to strip the wire, similar to the commonly used vise, you should hold the handle of the pliers tightly so that the pliers head tightens the wire and can be cut with different blades according to different wire insulation layers. The specific method of use has four steps. :

1: Different cables need to choose different cutting edges for cutting, so you should choose the corresponding cutting edge according to the thickness and type of the cable.

2, before cutting, select the length to be stripped.

3. Hold the handle while cutting, and slowly cut off from the outer skin to make it fall off. Do not use too much force.

4. After the cutting is completed, loosen the handle and take out the cable. Make sure that the exposed metal surfaces and insulation materials are intact.

Wire strippers are widely used. In the past few years, the rapid development has slowly gained the attention of the country. Constantly developing new technologies and improving functions, there will be more and more wire stripper companies in the future.