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What are the solutions to the abnormal noise and speed problems of the electric oil pump

Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. 2022.02.18
Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. Industry News

Possible causes and treatment methods of abnormal noise of electric pump;
1. The oil suction pipe is not opened. Open the suction pipe valve.
2. The oil supply pressure is too low or does not exist at all. Check that the back pressure is normal.
3. When the hydraulic oil pump sucks air, there must be gas infiltration. Check whether there is gas infiltration from the suction oil pipe to the supplementary starter motor. When the noise in the pump is heard to vary greatly, the test is carried out by splashing some compressor lubricating oil on the pipe joint.
4. The air filter on the fuel tank is clogged. Replace air filter.
5. The elastic element on the coupling is worn. Replace the elastic element.
6. The rotation direction is wrong. Reverse the rotation of the motor.
The power station and motor of the electric pump are running normally, but the speed and pressure cannot be increased. Possible reasons for inspection and treatment methods:
1. The power station and motor are running normally, but the speed and pressure cannot rise, and the speed regulating potentiometer is damaged. Check or replace the speed adjustment potentiometer.
2. The proportional directional valve or the pressure pilot valve is blocked. Clean proportional directional valve and pressure pilot valve.
3. The overflow valve is blocked. Clean the relief valve.
4. The oil pump or motor is worn and the leakage increases.