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What are the specifications for the use of electric scissors

Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. 2020.07.25
Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. Industry News

Note for operation of electric scissors:

1. Before using things, a full-time electrician should check whether the wiring is correct to prevent misconnection of the neutral wire and the phase wire from causing trouble.
2. Before using the things that are not necessary or damp on the shelf for a long time, an electrician should measure whether the insulation resistance meets the requirements.
3. The flexible cables or cords that come with things should not be connected long. When the power supply is far away from the working site, a mobile switch box should be used.
4. The original plugs of things must not be removed or converted at will. When the original plugs are damaged, it is prohibited to directly pierce the metal power cord of the electric scissors into the plug without the plug.
5. If the shell and handle of the electric tool are found to be broken, stop using it
6. Non-full-time personnel shall not disassemble and repair electric scissors without authorization.
7. There should be protective equipment for the rotating parts of the holding tool.
8. The staff is definitely not allowed to operate with conductive objects on their hands.
9. It is necessary to install a leakage protector at the power source.
10. It is forbidden to use overload, pay attention to the sound and temperature rise, if any abnormality is found, stop and check immediately, and wait for the end of the protection period of the electric scissors electronic instrument