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What is the difference between crimping pliers, bolt cutters, crimping pliers, wire stripping pliers, and network cable pliers?

Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. 2020.02.10
Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. Industry News

Cable pliers and crimping pliers are a tool used to suppress telephone and network cable crystal connectors. It's just that the network cable pliers have more stripping and cutting functions.

Bolt cutters
A bolt cutter is a tool used to cut wires. A bolt cutter is a tool used to cut thicker wires. Generally there are insulated handle bolt cutters and iron handle bolt cutters, and there is also a pipe handle bolt cutter. Among them, electricians often use insulated handle wire cutters, whose working voltage is 1000V, which can be used for live working of low-voltage electrical equipment wires below 380V. Wire-cutting pliers are usually used to cut wires and cables, and their specifications are indicated by their full length.

Crimping Tool
Crimping pliers are necessary tools for power line crimping in the construction and maintenance of lines.

Wire stripper
Wire stripper is one of the tools commonly used by internal electricians, motor repairs, and instrumentation electricians. It is used by power supply workers to strip the surface insulation layer of the wire head. The wire stripper can separate the insulated sheath from the wire and prevent electric shock.