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Basic understanding of power safety tools

Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. 2021.07.07
Taizhou Naibo Machinery Co., Ltd. Industry News

Electric safety equipment concept
Various special tools and appliances to protect the personal safety of staff to prevent accidents such as electric shock, burns, falls, and falls.

Electric safety tools classification

General protective safety tools
Insulation safety tools: basic insulation safety tools, auxiliary insulation safety tools

Basic insulation safety tools
Refers to electrical tools that can directly operate live equipment or contact or may come into contact with live objects, such as capacitive electroscopes, insulating rods, nuclear phase devices, insulating covers, insulating partitions, etc., such tools and live working tools The difference lies in the short-term contact with the charged body or the non-contact with the charged body in the working process.

Auxiliary insulation safety ratchet cable cutter
It means that the insulation strength cannot withstand the working voltage of equipment or lines, but it is only used to strengthen the security of basic insulation safety tools and equipment to prevent contact voltage, step voltage, leakage current and arc from harming operators. Auxiliary insulation cannot be used. Tools and instruments are in direct contact with live parts of high-voltage equipment. The safety devices belonging to this category include: insulating gloves, insulating boots, insulating rubber pads, etc.

General protective safety tools
Refers to the tools and instruments used to protect workers from accidents, such as safety belts and helmets. Under normal circumstances, foot buckles, lifting boards, ladders, and conductive shoes for climbing are included in this category.

Safety signs
It often includes various safety warning signs, equipment nameplates, etc.